Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I/II Class (Virtual)
Reiki I and II are taught together during a weekend intensive. Both Placements (attunements) are given. All the information and techniques for both levels are covered including:
- The standard Reiki session hand positions.
- Giving a complete Reiki session for self and others.
- Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Usui Sensei including:
- Gassho meditation
- Reiji-ho - developing your intuition
- Byosen Scanning - detecting where Reiki is needed
- Gyoshi ho - sending Reiki with the eyes
- Kenyoku - dry bathing or clearing one's energy field.
- Hayashi Healing Guide.
- Using Reiki for specific conditions.
- The Reiki II symbols, how to use them including practice time.
- Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits.
- Distant healing.
- 190-page class manual.
- Class certificate.
- 1 year Reiki News Magazine subscription
The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes how to do a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self -treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including giving and receiving distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.
Classes run from 9am-7:30pm each day. It is preferable to take the First Degree and Second Degree classes back-to-back in one weekend however we understand this isn't always possible with busy lives and budget awareness. We offer the following options for class participants:
July 27-28: Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I/II Combined $495 $175 deposit
July 27: Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I $275 $75 deposit (magazine subscription not included)
July 28: Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki II $275 $75 deposit (magazine subscription not included)
Deposits are due at registration and are applied to the total fee.
Deposits are non-refundable.
Minimum of 3 people needed.
Deposits fully refunded if need to cancel due to low registration, Act of God, or unexpected circumstance.
Remainder due one week prior to class.
Payment plans available.

Date and Time
Saturday Jul 27, 2024 Sunday Jul 28, 2024
A Zoom link will be sent to you after full payment received.
Reiki I/II Combined $495
Reiki I Only $275
Reiki II Only $275
Contact Information
Krista Clements
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