Integral Leadership and Social Justice
Our leadership extends beyond that of our government and businesses and into our communities and neighborhoods. Our movement leaders are feeling called to create change quickly and to find new ways beyond the institutionalized systems. And, often our emotions are the passion fueling this deep desire to change. Integral Leadership supports all of us in holistic ways of behaving, communicating, and creating change.
Deborah LeeAnn has spent her entire professional career helping leaders become their most creative, competent, and authentic selves while helping organizations become places where talented people love to work and can accomplish great things. Using the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) as a foundation, coaching and facilitation work with leaders and teams is centered in Truth, (with aligned body, heart, and voice/actions) guided by Love, and in connection to the web of humanity. This creates space for each client to step up and into their brilliant Light, radiating it in service to the collective.
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Link will be provided upon completion of registration.
Free Will Offering ($5 minimum)
Contact Information
Krista Clements
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