Events Calendar Category... Arts, Crafts & CultureBusinessCelebrationChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunity ServicesContestContinuing EducationDowntownEducationalFestivals & CelebrationsFood Free EventFundraiser/ BenefitHolidayKid FriendlyLecturesMoviesMusic & EntertainmentNatureOn DisplayOpen HouseOutdoor ActivitiesProfessional DevelopmentRecreation & SportsSeminarSupport GroupsTheatreTournamentsToursWine TastingWorkshop/Clinics December January February March April May June July August September October November Search Results Found: 81 Button group with nested dropdown December 2024 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Express at Mid-Continent Santa Selfies 2 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Give Joy - Boys & Girls Club Giving Tree Trivia at Fore Seasons Campus/Community Band Concert 3 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Holiday Donations Doubled by Prevail Bank The Universal Model of Leadership Teen Tuesday: Just Dance 4 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Integral Leadership for Visionaries Hunter's Sight-In Special Therapeutic Art Experience Campus/Community Band Concert 5 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Holiday Sing-A-Long at Oak Park Palce 6 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 7 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Express at Mid-Continent Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Selfies Richardson Acoustic at Broken Bottle Winery Holiday Tour of Homes Justin Raudebush at Balanced Rock Winery Holiday Flyer hot cocoa ride at Mid-Continent Live music by Avian Aura 8 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Express at Mid-Continent Santa Selfies Campus & Community Choir holiday concert Advent Lessons & Carols 9 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Give Joy - Boys & Girls Club Giving Tree Create a Strong Foundation for Wellbeing Trivia at Fore Seasons 10 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Holiday Donations Doubled by Prevail Bank Cozy Adult Craft Night- Wood Slice Coasters Family Board Game Night Create a Strong Foundation for Wellbeing 11 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Therapeutic Art Experience Teen: Any Book Club 12 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 13 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers The Very Merry Holiday Fair Christmas at the Mansion 14 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers The Very Merry Holiday Fair Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Selfies Wisconsin Conceal Carry Christmas at the Mansion Bob McNurlen at Broken Bottle Winery Mike Droho at Balanced Rock Winery Christmas Pictures: with Santa and horses Lessons and Carols with a Celebration of the Historic Stained Glass Windows of Trinity Church Stories from the North Pole Gunhild Carling at The Al Ringling Theatre Holly Jolly Trivia at Con Amici 15 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Selfies Bingo at Fat Squirrel Lounge Christmas at the Mansion BHS Band & Choir Concert 16 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Give Joy - Boys & Girls Club Giving Tree Parkinson's Disease Support Group Trivia at Fore Seasons 17 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Teen Tuesday: Perler Bead Picture Frames Teen Tuesday: Calm and Cozy 18 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Therapeutic Art Experience Teen Tinker Studio 19 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Holiday Piano Duet Concert 20 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers A Sensory Sensitive Evening with Santa 21 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Selfies Holiday Tour at the Ringling House Customer Appreciation Concert Long Gone Henry at Broken Bottle Winery Kaleb Woods at Balanced Rock Winery December Torchlit Hike National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation at the Al Ringling Theatre 22 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Santa Selfies "White Christmas" Screening at the Al Ringling Theatre Never Odd or Even at Balanced Rock Winery 23 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers "It's a Wonderful Life" at the Al. Ringling Theatre Trivia at Fore Seasons 24 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 25 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Free Christmas Dinner Brick Club, ages 6 to 11 Therapeutic Art Experience 26 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 27 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 28 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Sam Ness at Broken Bottle Winery Marc LaMere at Balanced Rock Winery 29 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers 30 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Trivia at Fore Seasons 31 Visits with Santa, carriage rides and strolling carolers Low-Key NYE (After Hours Event at the Library) 1 2 3 4